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py-types-python-dateutil Typing stubs for python-dateutil
py-tzdata Provider of IANA time zone data
py-tzlocal Python tzinfo object for the local timezone
py-vdirsyncer Synchronization tool for vdir
R-hms Pretty time of day
R-lubridate Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
R-nanotime Nanosecond-Resolution Time Support for R
R-RcppCCTZ 'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'CCTZ' Library
R-RcppDate 'date' C++ Header Library for Date and Time Functionality
R-sftime Classes and Methods for Simple Feature Objects that Have a Time Column
R-timechange Efficient Manipulation of Date-Times
R-timeDate Chronological and calendar objects
R-tzdb Time Zone Database Information
Radicale (V) CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server (major version 1)
Radicale2 (V) CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
Radicale3 (V) CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server
rclock Analog clock for X w/appointment reminder and mail notification
rem2ics Convert remind output into RFC2445 iCalendar format
remind Calendar/alarm program with interpreted input language
rsclock Simple terminal clock
rsibreak RSI management tool
ruby-3llo (V) CLI for Trello
ruby-hiera (V) Light weight hierarchical data store
ruby-hitimes Fast, high resolution timer library
ruby-iso8601 Ruby parser to work with ISO 8601 dateTimes and durations
ruby-powerbar (V) The last progressbar-library you'll ever need
ruby-timeout Auto-terminate potentially long-running operations in Ruby
ruby-timers Pure Ruby one-shot and periodic timers
ruby-tins (V) Not good/big enough for a real library
ruby-tzinfo Daylight savings aware timezone library
ruby-tzinfo-data Daylight-savings-aware timezone library data
ruby-tzinfo1 Daylight savings aware timezone library
rusti-cal Minimal calendar command line
saturn-cli Calendar for CLI nerds
saytime Talking clock
sunclock Show which portion of the Earth's surface is illuminated by the Sun
swisswatch Swiss railway clock emulation, and a fancy default appearance
tasks (V) Simple To Do list application for GNOME
taskwarrior Open source, command-line, TODO list manager
tdl Todo list manager with tons of features
tex-bxjaholiday Support for Japanese holidays
tex-bxjaholiday-doc Documentation for tex-bxjaholiday
tex-bxwareki Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
tex-bxwareki-doc Documentation for tex-bxwareki
tex-datenumber Convert a date into a number and vice versa
tex-datenumber-doc Documentation for tex-datenumber
tex-datetime2 Formats for dates, times and time zones
tex-datetime2-bahasai Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-basque Basque language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-breton Breton language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-bulgarian Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-catalan Catalan language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-croatian Croatian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-czech Czech language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-danish Danish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-doc Documentation for tex-datetime2
tex-datetime2-dutch Dutch language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-en-fulltext English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-english English language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-esperanto Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-estonian Estonian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-finnish Finnish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-french French language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-galician Galician language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-german German language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-greek Greek language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-hebrew Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-icelandic Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-irish Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
tex-datetime2-it-fulltext Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-italian Italian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-latin Latin language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-lsorbian Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-magyar Magyar language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-norsk Norsk language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-polish Polish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-portuges Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-romanian Romanian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-russian Russian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-samin Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-scottish Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
tex-datetime2-serbian Serbian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-slovak Slovak language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-slovene Slovene language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-spanish Spanish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-swedish Swedish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-turkish Turkish language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-ukrainian Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-usorbian Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
tex-datetime2-welsh Welsh language module for the datetime2 package
titrax Little X11 tool to track project times
todotxt Simple and extensible shell script for managing your todo.txt file
tty-clock Simple console clock
tzdiff Showing time pairs between target timezone and localtime
uair Extensible pomodoro timer
vixie-cron Execute and maintain scheduled commands
wmCalClock Another WindowMaker calendar/clock dockapp
wmclockmon Windowmaker dockapp for time/date
wmfishtime Dockable clock application with clock, date and fish
wmitime Windowmaker dockapp for time/date/itime